Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Pregnancy and Eye Exams

Is it unsafe for a woman to have her eyes dilated for an eye exam during pregnancy? 

Absolutely not! It is completely safe to have a comprehensive eye exam while pregnant, it is even recommended! Pregnancy, especially the resulting hormonal changes, can cause vision changes that may need to be monitored or treated by a physician.

Conditions that increase your risk of vision changes:

If you have diabetes (including gestational diabetes), high blood pressure, or glaucoma, you are more likely to experience vision changes during your pregnancy. The same is true if you have taken fertility treatments. A comprehensive eye exam can detect issues early and appropriate treatment can be provided.

Vision changes that may occur:
Vision changes you may experience during pregnancy include:

Dry eyes - may make contact lenses uncomfortable. This can be treated with eye drops.

Corneal swelling
- can make it difficult or impossible to wear contacts, but will likely subside after delivery or breast feeding. 

Prescription changes - your refractive error might change during pregnancy. You may require a new prescription if you wear glasses or contacts. This change may be temporary, but it may also be permanent. If you do need a new prescription during your pregnancy, you will need to be reexamined after delivery or breast feeding to see if the new prescription is still right for you. An eye exam will allow for the proper prescription throughout the entire pregnancy.

Sensitivity to light - caused by hormone-triggered migraine headaches. An eye exam can determine if hypersensitivity to light is causing headaches.

Dr. Tom will take the time to discuss the individual concerns of each patient. Expectant Mothers should take special care of all aspects of their health. A comprehensive eye exam during pregnancy will help Mom maintain her overall health and wellness.

Infinite Eye Care is also an InfantSEE provider. Even if no eye or vision problems are apparent, the American Optometric Association recommends scheduling your baby's first eye assessment at 6 months. Click HERE to learn more about InfantSEE and Infinite Eye Care.